Helpful Resources


Cooperatively Speaking Facebook Group

Our ​Cooperatively Speaking Facebook group​, allows members to extend conversation, pose questions, post photos, and share ideas. The group has a limited membership and is intended as a private place to ask questions and seek advice from peers. You can send a membership request and answer three questions, and your request will be verified and approved by the group administrator.


PCPI Online Discussion Group

This online forum is new for 2021 and is intended to provide another way to connect with and share information with other members. Ask to join the ​Google Group​ by clicking the link or by emailing PCPI Newsletter​ Editor.


Affiliates and Other Helpful Organizations

Jovial and PCPI have developed a strong partnership through their shared missions to support cooperative preschools. Jovial provides preschool management software free of charge to cooperative schools.


Tools for easier parenting
and a happier family

Resources for Parenting is a new sponsor for Parent Cooperative Preschools International. The owner, Jennifer Watanabe, is a long-time parent educator and parent coach. She offers tools that parents can use to make family life better. 

Jennifer loves co-ops. She participated in co-op preschool with both of her sons, who are now 30 and 26 years old. She retired from Bellevue College in Washington state after 24 years of teaching parenting classes, including at some of the college’s sponsored cooperative preschools. 

She teaches Positive Discipline classes. She also teaches classes and workshops for parents who want to simplify their family and work life.
